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candle guy Scented Candle | I love you for your personality. But that dick is a huge bonus.
candle guy Scented Candle | Thanks for all the orgasms.
candle guy Scented Candle | Cocaine & Hookers
candle guy Scented Candle | Light me when you want a BJ.
candle guy Scented Candle | I Love Your Face Especially When It’s In Between My Legs
candle guy Scented Candle | I fucking love you and I love fucking you.
candle guy Scented Candle | You’re my favorite thing to do.
candle guy Scented Candle | I like you for your personality. But that dick is a huge bonus.
candle guy Scented Candle | When this candle is lit lick my clit.
candle guy Scented Candle | When this candle is lit give me that dick.
candle guy Scented Candle | Please don’t do coke in the bathroom.
candle guy Scented Candle | Thank you for being my unpaid therapist.
candle guy Scented Candle | When this candle is lit, suck my dick.
candle guy Scented Candle | If I’m lit it’s time to have sex.
candle guy Scented Candle | I just want you to be happy and naked.
candle guy Scented Candle | I love you for your personality! But that butt is a really nice bonus.
candle guy Scented Candle | 50% namaste 50% go fuck yourself
candle guy Scented Candle | I love you with all of my boobs! I would say heart but my boobs are bigger.
candle guy Scented Candle | If I’m lit it’s time for wine.
candle guy Scented Candle | Light me after you poop.
candle guy Scented Candle | I love you for your personality! But your boobs are a really nice bonus.
candle guy Scented Candle | If I’m lit it’s time for a beer.
candle guy Scented Candle | You’re as beautiful on the inside as you are from behind.
candle guy Scented Candle | My last nerve. Oh look, it’s on fire.
candle guy Scented Candle | I like you for your personality. But that butt is a huge bonus.
candle guy Scented Candle | Please don’t fuck in the bathroom.
candle guy Scented Candle | Light before you shit.
candle guy Scented Candle | I like you for your personality. But your boobs are a huge bonus.
candle guy Scented Candle | Light me when the dog farts.
candle guy Scented Candle | Red wine all fucking day.
candle guy Scented Candle | Please don’t fuck in the living room.
candle guy Scented Candle | No selfies in the bathroom.
candle guy Scented Candle | Light me when the cat farts.
candle guy Scented Candle | White wine all fucking day.
candle guy Scented Candle | I like having stuff.